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Upcoming Programs (April, May, & June 2009!)

Friday, April 3, 2009 - - 0 Comments

Saturdays, April 18, 25, May 2, 9, 16
9:30am - 11:30am
Ages 10-18
Main Youth Program Room
Children ages 10-18 will learn the rules and regulations for boating safely on the Long Island Sound at this free five-week workshop sponsored by the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. Children ages 10 and up will receive a license to operate a motorboat. Teens ages 14 and up will receive a certificate to operate a personal watercraft. Bring proof of age. For information, call 631-427-5165 ext. 231. Open to all.

Teens Talk Books: Graphic Novel Book Discussion
Monday, April 20
7:00pm - 8:00pm
Grades 6-12
Main Youth Program Room
It's spring, a time for new beginnings. This is Miki Yoshida's final year of high school, and she's determined to make this the best year yet. Miki is in control... until Hiro Sakurai shows up. The first 15 participants to register will receive a free copy of Miki Falls I: Spring by Mark Crilley.

Anime/Manga Club
Mondays, April 16, May 18, June 29
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Station Community Room
Thursdays, April 16, May 14, June 11
6:30pm - 7:30pm
Main Youth Program Room
Grades 6-12
Curious about Anime & Manga or just can't get enough? Join us for a short Anime flick and a Manga book discussion. The first 15 participants to register will receive a free book!

Teen Drivers: The First Six Months
Tuesday, April 28
7:00pm - 7:45pm
Teen drivers and/or their parents
Main Youth Program Room
The first six months after a teen gets his or her license are the most dangerous. In this important presentation, young drivers will be encouraged to take an objective look at ways they can avoid accidents and serious injury, and will learn how to improve their driving. Sponsored by GEICO, there will be door prizes and a special visit by the "Gecko." Registration is not required, but is preferred.

Teen Pedicures by Mrs. Kathy
Wednesday, May 20
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Grades 6-12
Main Youth Program Room
Learn how to pedicure, decorate and take care of your toenails. Mrs. Kathy is a licensed nail technician. Each teen will receive a pedicure kit, containing a foot basin, emery board, pumice block, orangewood stick, nail polish, and nail decorations.

Battle of the Books
Mondays, June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, July 6, 13, & Wednesday July 22
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Main Youth Program Room
In House Battle: Monday, July 27
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Main Auditorium
Calling all teens in grades 5-8! Do you like to read? Do you like trivia contests? Do you remember details of stories? Then you don't want to miss being a part of the Huntington Public Library's Battle of the Books Team! All participants will receive FREE copies of all Battle Books when they are announced on June 1st! The six highest scorers from our In-House Battle will be invited to compete in the Regional Championship on Saturday, August 15h (time and location to be announced). Visit or call Youth and Parent Services for more information at 427-5165 ext. 231.

Getting Ready for Babysitting
Monday, June 29
5:30pm - 8:30pm
Teens entering Grades 7-12
Main Youth Program Room
Just in time for summer! This workshop, offered by Cornell Cooperative Extension's 4-H Youth Development Program, discusses the responsibilities inherent in babysitting and the skills necessary for the important job of childcare.

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